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New Member Information

On behalf of our Senior Pastor, Apostle Verna Du Pont, welcome to the Dream Center!  We are so excited and appreciative that you have decided to become a member of our church family.  We believe this decision is a destiny moment for you and your family, and we are eager to see all that God has in store for you.


Our goal is to help you feel at home and to get grounded in our church.  We believe in spiritual maturity and strive to provide actionable ways for our members to grow in their walk with God and in their unity with each other.  That’s why we have created a system of “tribes”, which are small groups within our larger church.  Each member in our church is connected to one tribe in order to foster spiritual growth, camaraderie, unity, and accountability.

You will be part of the Tribe of Gad.

Tribe Of Gad Banners.png

Below are some of the various ways you can connect to everything God is doing in our church and your tribe.

Texting System

Our church utilizes a corporate texting system to provide updates and reminders to our church family.  Upon joining the Dream Center, our Member Care Team will add you to this texting system, and you should receive these messages just as you would a normal text message.  Be on the lookout for these text messages, and be sure to let your tribe leaders know if you don’t receive them.

 Group Communication

Apostle Du Pont has set up several group communication channels on GroupMe.  We use this application to discuss our soul winning efforts, and to provide a fun group chat for women and men.  Please download GroupMe and click the Soul Winning and either Ladies/Men links below to be added to these chats.

Midnight Prayer

Our church believes in the power of prayer, and we meet on WhatsApp each weeknight at midnight to unite in seeking God.  We understand that midnight is a strategic hour, and it’s one hour our church capitalizes on to connect together in prayer. Each morning throughout the week, we pray for change, growth, and the will of God. The Bible says that “men ought always to pray and not to faint”. And, this is how we live at the DRC.  Please ensure you have WhatsApp and click the link below to be added to our prayer group chat.

Our tribes love to stay connected and grow together in the things of God, and we have plenty to help you in your walk with God.


Each tribe has a WhatsApp group established so that critical messages can be relayed.  Please ensure you have WhatsApp and click the following button to join your tribe’s group chat.


Our tribes meet each morning at 6:00am on Zoom to study the Word of God together using the One Year Study Bible you were given.  We meet virtually for 15 minutes for a short but impactful study of scripture and group discussion as we continue to grow in the Word.  Please ensure you have Zoom and click the following link.  Many members find it helpful to save this link on their electronic device to access it easily each day.



Our tribes meet each Thursday evening at 7:00pm on Zoom (same link as Bible Study) to discuss relevant and timeless keys from books on prayer, fasting, and personal growth. These meetings are just another way we can connect and grow together. 



Our tribes meet on the second and fourth weekend of the month for corporate evangelism at predetermined locations.  The Bible says that each of us has the ministry of reconciliation. Evangelism is one of the pillars of our ministry, and twice a month we meet together to share our faith with our community. It’s a great time to learn, grow in, and practice the skill of evangelism.  Your tribe leader will share additional details and the specific location with you.



Honoring Our Apostle

Lastly, we believe in honoring our Apostle through our financial giving.  1 Timothy 5:17 AMPC says “Let the elders who perform the duties of their office well be considered doubly worthy of honor [and of adequate financial support], especially those who labor faithfully in preaching and teaching”.  Each Friday, we encourage all willing members to contribute towards our Apostle’s salary by giving a set weekly amount ($20, $40, $50, $60, $80, $100, $150, $200) using Cash App.  We encourage all members to participate and give on a consistent basis as God has blessed them.​


We believe this is just the beginning of many great things God will do in your life and your family.  If you have any questions or if we can help you as you get acclimated, please do not hesitate to reach out to your tribe leaders:

Tribe of Gad Leader:

Minister Sonja Sangster

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